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In the Midst |
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Revised. Johanna Ellison, "Let's Bring the Meeting to Order: The Organizations and Clubs of the Women of Cokato." In The Midst Of. Cokato Historical Society. (May, 2017) vol. 37, no. 2. Royal Neighbors of America Kitchen Orchestra, circa 1930s. Women in the 1890s - 1930s battled social stigmas, pegging them as physically and mentally inferior to their male counterparts. Unable to vote, most women could not hold certain jobs, or participate in sports, the majority of women were molded from birth into the role of housewife. As a result, many women found their education and skills neglected and underutilized by society. For women seeking to unearth their buried talents, clubs provided them with an avenue to address social and political issues near to their hearts. The same was true for the women of Cokato. More than ten women’s organizations graced Cokato’s community, a few, such as the Royal Neighbors of America and the Order of the Eastern Star, are sister organizations of local men’s chapters. Although not always credited for their contributions, the women of Cokato played an integral role in the development of the village. The next couple of newsletters feature a select number of these early organizations. The Royal Neighbors of America Eight women began the first Royal Neighbors of America (RNA) organization in Iowa in 1888. The organization became one of the first fraternal benefit societies to provide women with insurance options. A sister organization, RNA was comprised of the relatives of wives of members of the Modern Woodmen of America.
Order of the Eastern Star
Another sister organization, Cokato’s Order of the Eastern Star (OES) was the female equivalent of the Mason’s. Formed in August 1904, the Cokato OES became known as the Cofield Chapter. There were eighteen charter members. In time, the charter name changed. In 2005, Cokato OES Chapter 179 consolidated with the Fidelity Chapter 17 of Litchfield. Priscilla Club Little is known about the Priscilla Club in Cokato, except that there was one before 1915. If anyone has any information about this organization please let the museum know. Sources 1. Royal Neighbors of America, Royal Neighbors of America 100 Years of Helping Hands, (Royal Neighbors of Ameri-ca, 1995) 4. 2. Cokato Enterprise, “Old Maid’s Convention,“ (2 February 1905): 1.; Cokato Enterprise, “Royal Neighbors’ Kitchen Orchestra,” (2 October 1975 3. Cokato Enterprise, “Order of the Eastern Star Founded,“ (18 August 1904): 1.; Cokato Enterprise, “Order of the Eastern Star,” (2 March 2005). 4. Curtis-Wedge, Franklin. History of Wright County, Minnesota, Vol. 2. (Chicago: Harper Jr. & Co., 1915), 947. Comments are closed.
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